A little about me. Un poco sobre mi.

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Yo quiero mi vida. I love college and want to travel the world. Different cultures fascinate me.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Thousand "Unsplendid" Suns

I recently read a novel that drastically opened my eyes to the gender inequality still relevant in many societies today. The novel is beautifully written and draws the reader into directly into the lives of two Afghan women. This is accomplished by telling the story through the eyes of two indomitable women. The most profound aspect of this book is that the lives of these two women reflect the lives of thousands of Afghan women how have endured the similar devastating odds. Hosseini, the author, said, "I would like readers to walk away with a sense of empathy for Afghans, and more specifically for Afghan women, on whom the effects of war and extremism have been devastating." One of the women, Nana, says “Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.” This simple statement screams out to the audience the plague of gender inequality in Afghanistan. Despite main goal of evoking sympathy for the woman of Afghanistan, Hosseini does not display all men as devils. He is sure to place some in a kind light. For example, the father of the younger female character, Mariam, is a gentle man, who teaches at the university. He encourages Mariam’s education above all things and tells her that the key to Afghan’s success is through educating their women. Also, beautiful love runs between Mariam and her childhood friend Tariq. This balance Hosseini creates is so beautiful. This story left me deeply saddened and upset, and I would not recommend it for anyone depressed or going through a dark time, but it is definitely a must read! These two woman’s stories of oppression, endurance, and love in all forms, is truly splendid and touching. This novel was not only deeply entertaining but it opened my eyes to a world so different from my own. A world I hope to one day help better for women like Nana and Mariam.

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